Prevention and Control of Common Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

sexually transmitted infections prevention

Dear sex-partners, couples, lovers, and millennials in general (although this super informative list applies to everyone), do familiarize yourself with this specially curated list on the everyday STIs along with the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

  • Chlamydia

Caused by infection with Chlamydia Trachomatis, (Tr-a-ko-mai-tis) is ‘a silent infection’ and one of the most common sexually transmitted infections with easy STI prevention methods.

It can be transmitted through sexual contact with a penis (irrespective of the ejaculation), vagina, mouth or anus of an infected person. Most of the affected people do not show symptoms.

It is curable and can be treated with proper medicines. It can also be recurring if a person comes in sexual contact with an infected person. Please see a doctor as soon as you get the first sign of ‘something’s not right.

  • Herpes

One of the most common and equally sturdy STDS, owing itself to infections by virus infect in two ways- Oral herpes (not always transmitted sexually) and genital herpes.

Its symptoms include an unusual sore, smelly genital discharge, burning while urinating or bleeding between periods.

It could also be lurking somewhere around the corner without any symptoms and definitely treatable with medication. Definitely not a recipe for good sex – GO to the doc ASAP.

How to avoid STI? Proper precautions! 

  • Genital Warts

Caused by Genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV), also a very common STI. They are usually flat, and papular outgrowth can occur on the penis, vulva, vagina, groin, thighs or cervix and can take up to months and weeks before showing signs.

It can be treated with medicines. But if it looks and feels bad – for the third time already, Doctor ASAP. Sexually transmitted infections prevention must always be taken seriously. 

  • Scabies

Another common STI found worldwide, scabies is an infestation of the skin, and its symptoms can include intense itching and a pimple-like rash.

It is spread through prolonged skin-to-skin contact with infected persons and can be treated with proper medication. It is recommended for the infected persons and their sexual partners and household members to get treatment.  

And as you know, anything skin – takes ages to go away, so don’t ignore it, and a DIY treatment here is a complete NO-NO. 

As important it’s to know about STIs, it’s equally important to know how can be sexually transmitted infection prevented.

  • Pubic Lice

They are also called crab lice and are found in the genital region or pubic hair. They can also sometimes be found in hair growth on armpits, brows, or legs.

The signs include itching in the genital area and visible lice eggs or crawling lice. It is transmitted through sexual contact and can be treated with proper medications. 

How to prevent STD after exposure? RUN… not away – towards a trained physician.

And perhaps away from the person who gave it to you. Ok! Kill me for saying this. But do we have a right to know or not if the other person is free of STI or not or what?  

Yes, we all have had our ‘pasts and present,’ but Hey, an STI is NOT a present, i.e., a gift to bestow. You have a history – tell your partner. Be extra careful and insist on protection.

We hope this list helps you to remain healthy and safe and enjoy safer sex practices with an open and fair person. 

Also important to remember that STIs should be diagnosed if suspected and treated immediately. If they are left untreated, they can cause serious repercussions. Therefore, please have an elaborated knowledge of how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Prevention is always better than cure. 

Also important to mention, these are but a few of the common ones; read up on more here. 


Link suggestions: Outside India

Source – Centers for Disease Control and prevention

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