In these times when many are quite dependent on dating apps to meet someone, acing the flirting game through online conversation could be hard, agree? Where flirting is majorly about emotions and expressions, getting it right through texting can sometimes be deceiving. For tips for online dating conversations, stay right here.
And, oh, let’s do not forget sexting. It’s not that simple either. We know it happens when two people are quite comfortable with each other, but still, some rules need to be followed to avoid ghosting. But don’t worry because we have got you covered with online dating chat tips and tips on how to initiate sexting!
So here goes a few golden conversation tips for online dating/sexting rules to abide by.
# Talk, Talk, Talk
For the online dating conversation to lead to a point where you wanted it to be, simply talk without hurrying into anything else. Let it be transparent, open-hearted, and genuine. Don’t drop confusing signals, don’t leave the other person hanging, and don’t be pushy if the other person is taking time to get back to you. Be clear and open.
Don’t be so secretive that it gets suspicious. Ask them about themselves and talk about your likes and dislikes too. But remember, don’t be a bore either.
Encourage and ensure a safe space for communication and confidentiality – this one’s a sure-shot winner!
# Honesty, Refrain From Bragging
One of the most valuable first conversation online dating tips that we would want our readers to know is HONESTY. We all thrive on validation. We love to be liked, and it is no different on dating apps. And this motivation might lead us to cover up or exaggerate facts a little. Be honest about who you are, how you think, what your opinions are, and so on. In the journey, never lose your true identity.
For starters, don’t edit your pictures so much that even you wouldn’t recognize yourself. Don’t brag about how you dumped all 43 of your exes because, well, “I’m on the lookout for someone special.” No, Rajender/Rajni, this is not how you get true love.
Be a charmer, not a brooder.
# Ask Questions
Getting started with the simple questions is the sure shot answer to the question on how to keep the conversation going with your crush. The more you two answer, the more you two are indulged. Also, the more you ask, the more you get to know him/her.
Online Sexting Tips

# No Unsolicited Pictures, Please!
You’ve just got started and yes, we encouraged you to share. But for heaven’s sake, do not share dick pics or ask for any boobs and vagene pictures either unless the other has given you unequivocal consent.
Even if you have got the person hooked on with your sense of humor, charming selfies, flexed muscles, and what-not, one uncalled for nude is all you need to be blacklisted. And learn to take no for an answer. Respect each others’ space and slow down.
# Don’t Body Shame
How to get the conversation going smoothly when you both are into an intimate moment? Mind your words! Buddy, saying stuff like “you are fatter than you seemed in pictures”, “saggy boobs are such a turn-off”, “men with bigger dicks last longer”, “tighter pussies increase pleasure”, “eww body hair is disgusting” is problematic.
Frankly, you need some serious lessons on body positivity if you think saying all this during, before, or after sexting is normal. For pleasure-affirming and fun sex, you have got to be comfortable and safe around each other.
Clearly, such words won’t let you both cross that comfortability mark in years. Accept and love your body with all its flaws and you’ll bump off those body-shaming trolls from feeding on your insecurities.
# Talk About Things You Both Are Comfortable With
Simply because you’ve done it like a hundred times before still doesn’t give you the liberty of crossing your lines. It’s applicable on both genders. Before jumping onto a sext topic you guys haven’t talked about yet, know in advance the other person’s thoughts on it. If he/she has a positive take on it, go for it. Else, drop it!
We hope these basic ‘start a conversation with a girl online or a boy’ tips help you get the partner of your dreams.
For sexting, all the best!
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