With the modern ways of dating that are quick, strings-free, and unfortunately more than often quite brutal, it is easy to get your heart stepped upon and trampled.
The dating world is scary and uncertain and leaves you broken if you are either new in this game or are too naive.
While it is not a smart idea, nor is it in any way acceptable to become such a player yourself, it is the call of the hour to be careful while treading this thin ice.
For this very reason, you should use some harmless dating tips for women and tricks to know and understand your data before you become too attached and get manipulated by them.
#1. Not By The Clock
You don’t need to arrive on time for every date. Let the guy wait for you. I know it’s rude not to be punctual, but when it has so many advantages, why not?
First, you’ll make a grand entrance. And he’ll get to see the gorgeous you from far, and that means the whole night you spent on planning your look and deciding your dress will be paid off. Third, a little wait only makes the heart grow fonder, isn’t it?
And fourth, you can use that extra time at hand to do last-minute checks of your appearance and if you’re nervous, calm yourself down.
And this is one of the best pieces of dating advice for women who just don’t want to feel like a burden on anyone.
Check More: The Date Doctor’s Ultimate Flirting Tips for Men
#2. Heels Kill
Yes, I know they kill your feet too, but what I’m referring to here is what they do to your date. Do I even need to tell you how heels add to the glamour and appeal to the wearer?
They make your legs look slimmer and attractive and add height to make you look trimmed and taller.
Although, there’s one more bummer it checks. Going by the social norms, the guy is expected to be taller than the girl.
So, with heels on your feet, you can potentially check the difference and see if you are okay with it.
This may sound shallow here, but that’s what people register unconsciously, making it to the best first date tips for girls.

#3. Crisis Alert!
This is one of the best first date tips for girls. They say desperate times are the ones where a person’s true self comes to light. It’s a manipulative test.
But don’t go overboard with it. Don’t call him in a half-choked voice and break the fake news of your accident but try something simpler.
Say, your dog getting lost or your friend getting dumped? Your date could be cute, adorably silly, and may make the best stand-up comedian, but the pressurizing situations like these are what reveal the real self of any person.
So, if you have started liking him already and think it could and should get serious, better cook up a story.
#4. Did You Text?
Texting, email, tweets, and posts, these all together make up that pestering and annoying thing that says you can always be contacted and disturbed.
That said, you don’t need to be on their radar all the time. It is okay not to text back to some unimportant messages or to keep your phone switched off over a weekend while you are enjoying yourself with your friends, watching movies back to back, or simply sleeping.
The idea is to let them know while you love spending time with them, you aren’t biting your nails waiting by your phone to get their call or text, nor do you don’t have a life away from it or them for whatever it’s worth.
Keep them on their feet to know a little more about you than being an open book without being insolent, and you’ll be happier.
Read More: 10 Tips To Dress Up For A Rainy Date
#5. Physical Affection… Umm… Yes..No… Maybe..?
This one’s a given in itself but a too important minister to miss the council meeting. Although one night stands are not bad, they can be a serious threat to women looking for something more than just a hookup.
So, here it is. Suppose you like this guy, don’t just make it quick and lose the mystery about you and his interest with that. Keep it slow, flirt a lot, allure even more, but don’t be too hasty.
That what’s hidden and kept for the last is the most enticing and rewarding. And what’s to lose? If this guy is a keeper, he’ll definitely stick around, and if he doesn’t, well, so you know, then keeping him away was a good plan. Isn’t it one of the best dating tips for girls?
#6. That’s A Free Bird
This could raise a few eyebrows but is actually helpful to filter the serious ones from the ones who are only looking for casual dating.
Keep your options open at least till the time when you are finally sure your date wants a long-term relationship and/or is a nice and trustworthy guy.
You don’t need to announce that he is just another guy off your ‘prospective dates’ list but make sure they understand you aren’t exclusively for them until you feel the relationship is solidifying and promising.
This will make them think seriously about you. But if they are too calm about seeing other people, know that they aren’t serious for you at all.
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