Madhuri Banerjee is the bestselling author of six books including, Losing My Virginity And Other Dumb Ideas, that set the trend for erotic Chick Lits in India. She is a world traveler, an avid reader, a coffee addict, an amateur photographer, an Instagram addict, a doting mother, and a philosopher at heart. In this article, she talks about what to do if you feel lonely. Follow her on Twitter: @Madhuribanerjee
“What are you doing for the holidays?”
That can seem as the most annoying and pressurizing line of the season! It pushes us to be social, and it hurts the most when you’re trying to deal with loneliness. We feel the need to put those fun pics up on social media and share how cool we are for doing something interesting. So, with all the pressure, it’s no wonder that we get lonely.
Or perhaps you’re new to town and finding it difficult to make friends. Or the ones you care for seem to be in a different stage of life than you. Or maybe you have all the friends you may like but somehow don’t feel linked.
Everyone has thought about what to do when you are alone at some point in their lives. It’s just something that happens from time to time. The complicated thing is coping with isolation as it strikes.
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Here are 5 ways to beat the holiday blues and avoid loneliness:
1. Throw a Party
How to avoid feeling lonely when you’re not invited to any party? Simple, throw a party. It will keep you busy while preparing and will be something memorable for later. Even if a few people show up, you can play some songs and dance around with a close group.
You can even host a party for friends who you’ve not met for a long time or complete strangers from the office you wanted to know better. Also, if you feel like a lonely single, what’s better than getting boozed up and hooking up with a complete stranger?
The alternative of how to not feel alone — there’s no need to host a huge party; inviting a few friends over for popcorn, a game, or a trivia night is a simple way to keep in touch.

2. Join a Travel Group
How to deal with being alone? If you have vacation time and you’re feeling lonely, join a group that likes to travel. Spend a little money on yourself going with a bunch of strangers to a place you’ve never been to.
It can be exhilarating to open up to strangers and completely unwind away from home. The alternative of what to do when you’re lonely — Think again when you think traveling solo means that you’re going to feel lonely.
Especially while traveling alone, the personal nature of the taxi would facilitate interaction with a driver rather than a public environment such as a train, airplane, or bus.
3. Start a Training Program
What to do when you are lonely? While everyone is eating and becoming fat, you’re getting a head start on being fit even though you feel alone. You won’t need to make those diet and exercise resolutions on 1st January because you’re already achieving your goals from now.
Read up on what you need to do to get fitter. Write your dreams, feelings, and achievements down. It’s a solo journey to the top. Understand it and appreciate why you’ve been chosen to be alone right now.
Go conquer it! The alternative of what to do when you are alone — Create a personalized storyline. You may enjoy keeping a journal.
On the other hand, the idea of putting pen to paper can make you squirm. In any case, how to avoid loneliness may be as easy as writing. You have the ability to change your perspective when you write, particularly when you use it to discover new ways to perceive feelings, memories, and internal storylines. These are 101 ways how to not feel lonely.
4. Attend Group Activities
What to do when you feel lonely? Attend a seminar, lecture, film club, theatre workshop, a language session, or just volunteering at the church, orphanage, or nursing home. Loneliness stems from feeling that you have no one in your life.
But if you realize there are so many people you have not let into your life, it could give you a new perspective on who else you could spend time with! The alternative of what to do when feeling lonely is — Watch a movie.
At the cinema, you share a room with a group of people—maybe strangers—all of whom experience the same experience. You and the whole audience are linked to each other, even though you do not speak to anyone.
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5. App it Up!
Were you wondering what to do when you feel lonely? You may not meet your soulmate at this time of the year, but it would help if you found someone who had similar tastes and was free during the holidays. So get on that app and go have a cup of coffee with someone interesting.
You could find someone who just makes you laugh. Keep your expectations low and your positivity high. Who knows what you may discover?! Any holiday season forces us to think about what to do when you feel alone and have no one in our life to share our good times with.
But loneliness is a powerful emotion. If you have been chosen to be lonely, use it to understand yourself better. Your friends and family might not always be there for you, and it doesn’t mean they don’t love you.
It just means that this solitude you have is pushing you to think of what else you can do with your life and time, instead of giving in to the media pressure of doing things with people you meet every day anyway!
The alternative of what to do when lonely — People can connect through social media, but it could also leave them feeling alone and trigger FOMO. So remember that you’re not lonely if your social media makes you feel more detached than attached. Consider disabling the applications and taking a break from your device.
Maybe the best line to “What are you doing during the holidays” is replying back, “I’m going to surprise myself and do something I wouldn’t want to share with anyone!” We hope this article answers your query about “how to deal with loneliness.”
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