Most of us think it’s not an easy job to date an engineer because they have no time for weekend dates because of the busy schedule.
But trust us, dating software engineer or an engineer in general is no different from dating a normal person. Engineers will cherish you and can make good partners.
Research says 6/10 eligible bachelors in India are engineers.
Are you thinking about how it would be like to date an engineer? So, we’ve engineered a 10 point guide on why you should definitely date an engineer:
#1. They are capable of coming up with creative solutions to what we Indians call Jugaad and real solutions too, ladies.

You heard it right. Dating an engineer means a solution to every problem. He will fix everything that causes trouble in your house.
So you don’t need an electrician or a plumber to fix a pipeline or any electrical appliances, all you need is an engineer boyfriend and you are good to go.
Check More: 10 Reasons Why You Must Date A Guy Who’s An MBA
#2. They will accept their mistakes without you having to make them accept the same!
This is one of the tips for dating an engineer that’s our team’s personal favorite. They have now developed this mindset of trial and error (which is the primary part of their process).
If something is not working out in the relationship, they will accept it and look for a more effective solution to make things work out. Isn’t it great, ladies?
#3. He’ll do the Math for you. Without a calculator.
Engineers are mostly math enthusiasts who never get bored of numbers because it is part of their work.
He will do all the calculations for you whether it is your household monthly budgets or car expenses. Such tips on dating an engineer would make all the girls go GAGA (lol).
#4. He is used to all nighters. Late night phone calls FTW

If you have an engineer boyfriend, you will always have someone who can listen to you for hours at night.
They can really handle late night calls. So if you need someone to talk to late at night, you should date an engineer.
#5. He’ll patiently explain the tech jokes till you get them

Engineers are good at handling things patiently. So even if you don’t get his techy and geeky joke he will make sure you understand it at the end of the day. He will explain everything to you.
#6. He will make a good life partner.
He is logical & practical about life and takes nothing for granted. He will keep a track of everything for you to live an easier life.
He will never run away from any problem and this is the biggest reason you should date an engineer.
#7. You are putting your bet on a hard-working boyfriend, yes!
When you are dating an engineer, you are dating a hardworking soul. They are dedicated to their work, and it also makes them good partners.
#8. He is capable of solving your relationship problems with a datasheet.
When you date an engineer, relationship conflicts can’t stay longer in your life. Because an engineer boyfriend comes with this talent of solving problems peacefully.
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#9. His attention to detail is not just limited to the resume.
He will observe small things about you which you never expect from an engineer. He will always be curious to know more about you. He will never leave a chance to compliment you.
#10. Dates are super cheap with an engineer.
Oh, this is true, engineers are not at all into anything fancy. Here is a small tip on dating an engineer– all you need is a beer and pizza when planning a date night with an engineer boyfriend.
So here you are with 10 reasons which will make you fall for an engineer. Are you already dating an engineer? Share with us.
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